Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Press Release Help Our Delman 2012

Kegiatan Help Our Delman 2012 telah terlaksana pada hari Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012 di Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia, Taman Kencana, Bogor. Kegiatan baru yang diusung oleh Divisi Kuda Himpro Hewan Kesayangan dan Satwa Akuatik Eksotik (HKSA) ini dihadiri oleh 27 orang kusir, 20 orang mahasiswa, serta 14 ekor kuda delman. Selain itu, hadir pula dokter hewan praktisi kuda, drh. Budhy Jasa Widyananta, sebagai pembicara sekaligus pembina kegiatan Help Our Delman 2012.
Pemerintah Kota Bogor pun menunjukkan antusiasme dalam kegiatan ini, dibuktikan dengan hadirnya drh. Patriantariksina R. dan drh. Mustika H. sebagai perwakilan Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor. Acara ini dihadiri juga oleh pihak sponsor yaitu drh. Fitri Dewi, drh. Nanda Aditya Sukma, drh. Rizqi Putratama dari Equestrina serta Bapak Edi dan Bapak Wahyudi dari Oxone.
  Acara HOD diawali dengan Talkshow bersama dokter hewan praktisi kuda. Drh. Budhy Jasa Widyananta memberikan penyuluhan mengenai cara perawatan kesehatan  kuda yang baik dan benar. Pembicara memaparkan sifat-sifat dasar kuda; jenis, jumlah, cara, serta waktu pemberian pakan dan minum; pemeliharaan kesehatan kuda; sanitasi kandang; waktu meng-grooming yang baik ; keseimbangan hidup kuda (antara jam kerja dan istirahat); serta peran dokter hewan. Sesi selanjutnya peserta yang terdiri dari kusir dan mahasiswa ini diperkenankan untuk bertanya maupun berkonsultasi seputar masalah yang sering dialami oleh kuda khususnya kuda delman. Kusir yang mengajukan pertanyaan & berhasil menjawab kuis yang diberikan mendapatkan doorprize  dari Oxone di akhir acara. 
  Setelah Talkshow selesai para peserta yang terdiri dari kuisir delman dan mahasiswa keluar ruangan untuk mengikuti demo grooming dan konsultasi mengenai kesehatan kuda delman yang dibawa. Penjelasan tata cara grooming disampaikan oleh drh. Budhy Jasa widyananta dan didemokan langsung oleh drh. Nanda Aditya Sukma dan drh. Rizqi Putratama. Selesai demonstrasi peserta langsung melakukan grooming kuda delman yang dibawa dengan menggunakan grooming kit yang diberikan oleh panitia. Pada saat yang bersamaan dilakukan konsultasi kesehatan kuda oleh dokter hewan praktisi kuda dari Equestrina
 Kuda delman yang telah selesai grooming bersiap untuk konvoi. Konvoi dilakukan mengelilingi Kebun Raya Bogor untuk mengajak masyarakat kembali menggunakan delman sebagai sarana transportasi maupun wisata. Peserta dan kuda delman kembali ke tempat acara untuk mengikuti penutupan. Acara ditutup pukul 14.35 WIB dengan pembagian starter pack yang terdiri dari grooming kit, 25 kg pakan kuda, vitamin, obat cacing, gula merah, dan sedikit dana tunai untuk perawatan kuda delman.
Terselenggaranya acara ini didukung oleh sponsor utama yaitu  APM Riding School dan juga sponsor lainnya seperti Gading Equestrian, Equestrina, Pegasus Stable, Dwima Turangga Equestrian, Arthayasa Stable, Oxone, Santa Monica Stable, JPEC Sentul, dan Alfons & family. Acara ini juga bekerja sama dengan Green TV IPB dalam peliputan kegiatan.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Himpro Hewan Kesayangan dan Satwa Akuatik Eksotik
(Association of Veterinarian Profession in Pets & Aquatic-Exotic Animals)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Bogor Agricultural University
Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia-Bogor, 26 Mei 2012

Creating a Better Life for Delman Horses Through
Public Veterinary Education of Health and Horse Keeping

In the present day we can still find traditional transportation such as delman (horse-drawn carriage), but lately delmans have not yet received enough attention from the government. Not only being considered as a cause of traffic jam, delmans are also known to soil and damage the traffic road. The government’s restriction for delmans to operate decreases the horsemen’s daily income, meanwhile the basic needs of the horsemen and their family must be fullfilled.
The relatively low income and lack of knowledge of horsemen cause the horses to be under a poor care. This does not mean the lack of love from the horsemen, but the lack of medical knowledge about horse. The horsemen are still unfamiliar about the proper type, frequency, and techniques of feed suitable for the horse. Proper health maintenance of the horse is also still unknown. These are the purposes that become the foundation of Help Our Delman 2012.

The objectives of Help Our Delman 2012 are:
1.    To educate horsemen on how to care for their horses in the most proper and responsible way. This includes on how to be a passionate horse owner, understand basic horse health maintenance, feed, sanitize stable, groom the horse, know the importance of veterinarian, and know the right emergency treatment
2.    To raise awareness of the society on horse health and welfare
3.    To increase the knowledge on veterinary medicine student about practical skills on horse management and also the social skills to communicate with the society as future clients
4.    To facilitate animal lovers, especially horse lovers, and also organizations that operate in the welfare of companion animals to share thoughts and ideas
5.    To facilitate companies that operate in companion animals especially horses to introduce their products

The issue that we will raise in Help Our Delman this year is Creating a Better Life for Delman Horses Through Public Veterinary Education of Health and Horse Keeping.

The output expected from this event is a better life for the horses and horsemen which comes from a better knowledge of horse health and maintainance. With the help of starter packs that will be given, we hope there will be a increasement of the horses’s health and welfare. This event will also create a better relation between the veterinary society and public society. The Help Our Delman event will also awaken back the public’s interest on delman as traditional transportation and recreation. The use of delman as a transportation will also decrease the polution in Bogor.

By referring the issue of Help Our Delman 2012, we arange this event into these few activities:
1.    Survey and The Make of Documentary Movie
The purpose of the survey is to acknowledge the true condition of the delmans, how far the horsemen understand about horses, how they take care of the horses, and the obsticles they all face in their daily operation. The survey will be documentated into a movie.
The documentary movie will be shown to the speaker of the talkshow before the event so the speaker will be able to prepare the proper lecture compatible with the condition of delman. The movie will be guided with english subtitle and will also be uploaded in Help Our Delman website ( in order to be accessible by the public. Therefore to attract any future donatures who are willing to support this cause. The future sponsors will be given the opportunity to watch this documentary. We will also present the documentary movie in the Help Our Delman event.

2.    Talkshow with Equine Veterinarian
The main goal of this event is to educate horsemen the proper care of horses. We will invite an experienced veterinarian horse practition as an expert. Before the talkshow, the speaker will show a documentary to give an outlook of the talkshow that will be presented.
The expert will give a lecture about basic characteristics of horses, proper feeding, health maintanance, stable sanitazion, the role of veterinarian, proper grooming, and the suitable balanced life for horses. The expert will also show images of medical cases about health issues that often come upon horses and explain the best emergency treatment for the delman horses. It also expected that the horsemen will also share and seek guidance about their horses condition. A moderator will be present during this talkshow.
In order to create a condusive situation , the talkshow will be held indoor. After the talkshow, their will be entertainment such as games and performances.

3.    Demonstrations and The Granting of Starter Packs
The main purpose of this activity is to increase the practical skills of horsemen and the welfare of the horses. The starter pack contains grooming kit, calsium, vitamin B complex, and brown sugar. Before we give out the starter packs, there will demonstrations on how to use the contents of starter pack in the right way.
At first, we will demonstrate the horsemen about the proper way to groom the horses. This activity will be done by the Veterinarian Medicine students of Bogor Agricultural University (BAU).  Before the Help Our Delman event, there will be training for the Veterinan Medicine students who are willing to contribute in this event so they can practice to interact with horses. Therefore, this event will help to increase the interaction skills of the students with horses. The grooming demonstration will be participated by 10 delman horses. A representative horsemen will also perticipate in grooming the horses. A veterinarian horse practitian will guide troughout the activity.
The next demonstration will be about giving calsium, vitamin B complex, and brown sugar to the horse by a veteriner. The veterinarian will also demonstrate basic health examination for the horses. This is also important for the horsemen so they could do the examination themselves at home.

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

our event

On May, 27th 2012 at Lapangan Balai Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor

1.       Talkshow bersama dokter hewan praktisi kuda
Acara talkshow bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada kusir dan masyarakat mengenai cara perawatan kuda yang baik dan benar.
What’s inside? Sifat-sifat dasar kuda, jenis-jumlah-waktu pemberian pakan dan minum, pemeliharaaan kesehatan kuda, sanitasi kandang, peran dokter hewan, waktu grooming yang baik, dan keseimbangan hidup kuda antara jam kerja dan istirahat.
What else? Kasus kesehatan yang sering dialami kuda delman dan penanganan yang dapat dilakukan dalam keadaan darurat.
Talkshow with veterinarian specifically horse practitioner.
                Talkshow is aimed to give excellent educations to coachmen and society about the right maintenance for horses.
What’s inside? Horse natural behavior, amount-sort-time to feed, health maintenance, stall sanitation, veterinarian roles, grooming, and the balance to thir working and rest time.
2.       Pemberian starter pack dan demo
Demontrasi cara grooming kuda yang tepat dan cara pemakaian alat-alat yang terdapat di dalam starter pack, serta demo pemberian kalsium, vitamin B kompleks, dan gula merah.
Next, pemberian starter pack kepada para kusir yang tersiri dari grooming kit, kalsium, vitamin B kompleks, dan gula merah.
                Delivering starter pack and demo
This part consists of demonstration about grooming method and the used of things inside the starter pack, how to give calcium, vitamin B complex, and palm sugar to the horse.

Kamis, 05 April 2012

mengapa delman?

Delman masih dapat ditemukan di berbagai lokasi pada kota-kota dan daerah tertentu di Indonesia. Tetap survive di antara kendaraan bermotor yang mendominasi, angkutan tradisional ini terbukti masih mendap
Delman masih dapat ditemukan di berbagai lokasi pada kota-kota dan daerah tertentu di Indonesia. Tetap survive di antara kendaraan bermotor yang mendominasi, angkutan tradisional ini terbukti masih mendapat tempat tersendiri di hati masyarakat. What makes people still got their hearts on delman? The horse, don’t they?
We can still find delmans on many different palaces on Indonesia. They still exist among machine and vehicle that are dominating. They get style, and they get people’s heart. What makes people still get their hearts on delman? The horse, don’t they?
Kuda delman bekerja hampir 12 jam setiap harinya tanpa sekalipun duduk untuk istirahat. Secara anatomis, tubuh kuda memang dirancang untuk dapat berdiri dalam waktu lama. Bahkan, aktivitas seperti makan dan tidurpun dilakukan dalam keadaan berdiri. Selain itu, kuda merupakan hewan tipe unguligradi atau hewan yang berjalan dengan teracak (kuku). Hal ini mendukung kemampuan kuda untuk dapat berlari dengan cepat. Kuku-kuku kuda terdiri dari lapisan tanduk (keratin) yang keras sehingga mampu ditumpukan pada tanah atau aspal yang keras.
                The delman horses work almost 12 hours a day without even sit to rest once. Anatomically, their bodies were designed to be able to stand on a very long time. Even, they sleep and take meal on standing. Besides, horses are the animal which walk with hoofs. That makes horses can run so fast. The hoof formed by strong and solid stratum corneous that help horses to stand or run on asphalt.
Bentuk anatomis kuda yang khas menuntut perhatian dan pemeliharaan yang benar. Kesehatan kuda pada akhirnya akan sangat mempengaruhi kualitas jasanya untuk menarik delman. Pemahaman terhadap jenis, jumlah, cara dan waktu pemberian pakan ; pemeliharaan kebersihan kuda dan kandang ; pemahaman terhadap sifat-sifat dasar kuda  dan pemeliharaan kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan. Namun, hal ini terlihat belum diterapkan dengan baik oleh para kusir. Bukan berarti kusir tidak menyanyagi kuda delman mereka, hanya saja penghasilan yang pas-pasan dan pemahaman kusir yang sederhana membuat kuda delman dipelihara secara sederhana dan seadanya. Disinilah, kinerja kita sebagai mahasiswa dan sebagai masyarakat dibutuhkan.
                Their specific and unique anatomies demands the very specific caring and maintenance. Their healths, by the way, will influence their work and service as the delman. The good understanding to their natural behaviors and their health maintenance is quite necessary. But in truth, this matter hasn’t been applied by the coachmen yet. This doesn’t mean the coachmen don’t love their horses at all, but rather their lack of money and knowledge set it be. On this matter, our attention and help are needed.